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I Want to Take You to Hawaii

I wrote this song in the coldest month of the year, February in New York.
I said to my wife, how about taking off to a much warmer place like Hawaii? Her quick response was “Just a gesture! Far from reality.”
I said to myself, perhaps I can write a song about it.
The result is this song with a nice room with an ocean view, a walk on the beach with the setting sun in the background.

Actually, I did take my wife to Hawaii a few years later. We didn’t take a walk on the beach, but I did manage to get a room with the ocean view.

Recorded in New York with the help of my friends Chris Bankey (keyboard) and John Guth (guitar, ukulele, and programming).
If you get the urge to fly or sail over to Hawaii after listening to this song, my mission is accomplished! Aloha!

I Want to Take You to Hawaii

Words & Music by Henry V. Drennan © JASRAC

I want to take you to Hawaii
You’ve always wanted to go there
Just pick a date we’ll be on our way
If you’re happy I don’t care
A room with an ocean view
Birds will be singing up a tree
My wishes are just a few
‘Cause you’re there with me

Yes, I want to take you to Hawaii
I know you’ve always wanted to go there
So, you can decide when you want to go, okay?
Ohhh! This is going to be a great trip. You know why?
Because…you’ll be there with me

I want to take you to Hawaii
Just follow me there, take my hand
No need to worry or wonder why
Like love letters in the sand

We’ll walk the beach together
Watch the sun set over the sea
This trip is, oh, so much better
‘Cause you’re there with me

Raindrops Falling On My Head (Uncle Henry Song)


This number is titled “RAINDROPS FALLING ON MY HEAD”, a song for children learning how to count numbers. True, the first line of words resemble the famous number by Burt Bacharach, but being a kids song it had to be simple. Afterall, the song is composed of only 3 notes, i.e. Do, Re, and Mi. Henry didn’t realize this until the recording session when the music director said, “This song has only 3 notes!!”.
The charming animation was created by a Japanese team, cartoon by Wakaba Sasaki and animation by Ryo Hirayama.

Raindrops Falling On My Head

Words and Music by Henry V. Drennan © JASRAC

1. Raindrops, raindrops
Falling on my head
One, two, three, four
I am now all wet

2. Raindrops, raindrops
Make my hair all wet
Five, six, seven, eight
Won’t get dry, I bet

3. Raindrops, raindrops
Make my hair so clean
Nine, ten, eleven, twelve
You see what I mean

4. Raindrops, raindrops
Falling from the sky
They stopped falling
Now the sun is high






フルバージョンの歌をAmazonでダウンロード販売しています(iTunes とCD BABY でも購入可能です)。


©作詞作曲:ヘンリー ドレナン (JASRAC)

1. ある晩、とつぜん一匹の
ゴキブリ顔出し おどろいた


  今夜も、来るかも ゴキブリ
  毎晩、イヤーだよ! ゴキブリ・マーチ!

2. ちっちゃなガキども集めて
バケツの水を ぶっかけたら



Gokiburi, Go away! (the Cockroach song) ゴキブリマーチ英語版


Hate cockroaches? Well, probably you will feel differently after you listen this song.

However, one word of advice. Once you hear this song, the melody will haunt you the rest of your life, night and day. But do not despair. This song will boo away all your troubles and worries. Please sing along, "Gokiburi, Go Away!".

Download this song from in your market. Just select mp3 downloads or music and type in the title. Also available from iTunes and CD BABY. Thank you!

Gokiburi, Go Away!  (ゴキブリ、消えてしまえ!)

© Words & Music by Henry V. Drennan (JASRAC World rights reserved)

One quiet evening (ある静かな夜)
I was alone in bed (一人で寝てたら)
When a creature (一匹の生き物が)
Was creeping ahead (目の前を歩いてた)
A kick! And flop! (ヤッと蹴飛ばし、ヒュッ!)
Well, he simply flew away (とにかく飛んでった)
I said “Bye-bye now” (とにかく今はサヨナラ)
No roaches gonna stay (ゴキブリはいらないんだ!)

The following evening (あくる晩に)
He was back again (彼は戻って来た)
With his spouse (奥さんを連れて)
It was way past ten (夜の10時を十分に過ぎていた)
A broom! And Swoosh! (ホウキで、ササッと掃きだしたら)
They flew out the window (窓から勢いよく飛び出して行った)
You can text me when you get to (暖かいサクラメントに着いたら)
Sunny Sacramento (メールでもちょうだい!)

(Chorus) (コーラス)

Gokiburi, Nasty roaches (ゴキブリ、嫌な奴らだ!)
Gokiburi (ゴキブリ)
Don’t wanna see (見たくもないよ)
Don’t wanna hear (聞きたくもないよ)
Will they be back again?! (今夜も来るかしら?!)
Gokiburi, What y’a doing? (ゴキブリ、どういうつもりだ!)
Gokiburi (ゴキブリ)
You cannot stay. Hell no, I say (いちゃいけないんだよ、言っとくけど)
Gokiburi, go away! (ゴキブリ、消えてしまえ!)

Gokiburi friends (親愛なるゴキブリにも)
Had a family too (家族がいた)
Such tiny roaches (小さなゴキブリも)
They all look the same (皆、同じに見える)
A bucket! And Splash! (バケツで水をバシャ!)
They neatly sailed away (仲良く流れて行った)
I need some peace and quiet (今は、静かな平和がほしい)
I want to end this game (この騒ぎを早く終わらせたい)

(The) Gokiburi gang (ゴキブリギャングも)
Called in their relatives (親戚に連絡をして)
The whole town was notified (町中に知らせが行った)
It didn’t take a day! (その日の内に知れ渡ったらしい)
Oh, no! Oh, my! (お願い!やめて!!)
Oh, so many roaches (すごい数のゴキブリ!)
Wish they would simply vanish (とにかく消えてほしい)
Then I’ll have a nice day! (平和な日々を戻したい)

(Chorus) (コーラス)

Gokiburi, Nasty roaches (ゴキブリ、嫌なやつらだ!)
Gokiburi (ゴキブリ!)
Don’t wanna see (見たくもないよ)
Don’t wanna hear (聞きたくもないよ!)
Will they be back again?! (今夜も来るかしら?!)
Gokiburi, What y’a doing? (ゴキブリ、どういうつもりだ!)
Gokiburi (ゴキブリ)
You cannot stay. Hell no, I say (いちゃいけないんだよ、言っとくけど)
Gokiburi, go away! (ゴキブリ、消えてしまえ!)
You cannot stay. Hell no, I say (いちゃいけないんだよ、言っとくけど)
Gokiburi, go away! (ゴキブリ、消えてしまえ!)

January to December (Uncle Henry’s CD #1)

January to December.jpg

This song was created to teach the 12 months of the year. Most of the words of the song are the actual months of the year. So, all you have to do is learn to sing this song and you have successfully learned all the 12 months.
The music is quite the 60’s style, like Paul Anka’s famous Diana.
When this song was recorded I had a headset on my head and before I knew it I was singing along with the children, probably about 16 of them all together. If you happen to have very sharp ears, you can perhaps notice that I am singing along in the background.

January to December (Uncle Henry’s CD #1)

Words & Music by Henry V. Drennan (Uncle Henry/ヘンリーおじさん)
© JASRAC Featuring: The Uncle Henry Singers

1. January, February, March, April
May, June, July, August
September, October, November, December
There are twelve months in a year

2. January, February, March, April
May, June, July, August
September, October, November, December
I know the months of the year

What Color Do You Like? (Uncle Henry’s CD #1)

What color do you like.jpg

If learning the 12 months of the year is tough, equally demanding is learning the 12 basic colors, e.g. red, blue, green, etc.
If you are a teacher and trying to teach your pupils how to say the various colors, this is it! This is an ideal tool to teach the 12 colors.
Just start off by singing, “What color do you like?” and the rest would be history, kids simply would not be able to forget the various colors.
Songs stick to the human mind 100 times stronger than a coffee stain on your white dress.
To prove that, you can ask yourself by singing any song that you sang when you yourself were very tiny. You should be amazed how much you remember the song after all these years!
Do you notice that yellow is not included in the lyric? Well, not to worry.
It is mentioned alright; just listen to the song and find out.

What Color Do You Like? (Uncle Henry’s CD #1)

Words & Music by Henry V. Drennan (Uncle Henry/ヘンリーおじさん)
© JASRAC Featuring: The Uncle Henry Singers

What color do you like? La, la, la, la, la
What color do you like? Oo, la, la, la, la

1. I like blue, I like red and green
2. I like pink, I like black and white
3. I like orange, I like purple and gray
4. I like violet, I like peach and brown

I Love You, Daddy (from Uncle Henry’s CD No. 2)

I love you daddy.jpg

When I produced the first Uncle Henry Songs CD (#1), there was a song titled “I Love You, Mommy”. The song featured Jason Goldberg, a member of The Uncle Henry Singers. Jason sang so well and it was very well received. But some people complained, “Why not a song about loving Daddy as well?!”
Being a father of two kids myself, I agreed 100% and decided to write a new song appropriately titled “I Love You, Daddy”.
To a child a mother is someone who is gentle and loving. Well, so’s father, but I wanted to feature him as someone who is strong and reliable, someone who is always there to protect you whenever you feel low in spirits.
Hope you like this song as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I Love You, Daddy (from Uncle Henry’s CD No. 2)

Words & Music by Henry V. Drennan (Uncle Henry/ヘンリーおじさん)
© JASRAC Featuring: Chiara Navarra/Uncle Henry Singers

I love you, Daddy / I know I do
You are my Santa Claus, Superman
Heroes all in one!
I love you, Daddy
When I am sad I rush to be in your arms
For I know you are there for me
Daddy, my Daddy/ I love you
Daddy, my Daddy/ I love you!

Sing Along (the ABC Song) (Uncle Henry’s CD #2)

Sing along (The ABC Song).jpg

Here’s a new variation to the ABC Song. Actually I wrote 2 alphabet songs, this one, and the other titled “Phonic ABC”. The latter shows how each alphabet is pronounced.
I remember singing this song to my two sons many, many years back.
Actually I still have the tape with the recording of them singing this song.
If you are a teacher, suggest you put this song in your class.

Sing Along (the ABC Song) (Uncle Henry’s CD #2)

Words & Music by Henry V. Drennan (Uncle Henry/ヘンリーおじさん)
© JASRAC Featuring: The Uncle Henry Singers

A is an apple, apple
B is a baby, baby
C is a candy, candy
D is a donut, donut
Come on, and sing along
Sing the ABC song
Come on, and sing along
Sing the ABC song

E is an engine, engine
F is a finger, finger
G is a goldfish, goldfish
H is a hotdog, hotdog (Chorus)

I is an ice-cream, ice-cream
J is a jelly, jelly
K is a kitten, kitten
L is a lion, lion (Chorus)

M is a mother, mother
N is a necktie, necktie
O is an orange, orange
P is a peanut, peanut (Chorus)
Q is a queen bee, queen bee
R is a rabbit, rabbit
S is a sandwich, sandwish
T is a tiger, tiger (Chorus)

U is an uncle, uncle
V is a violin, violin
W is a wagon, wagon
X is an X-Ray, X-Ray (Chorus)

Y is a yoyo, yoyo
Z is a zebra, zebra
A is an apple, apple
B is a baby, baby (Chorus)

Touch Your Nose (Uncle Henry’s CD #1)

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Everyone agrees that “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes” (sung on the tune of London Bridge Is Falling Down) is a great action song, but someone challenged me to create a song just as good. It certainly was challenging, but I managed to write this song.
It was beautifully sung by the girls in The Uncle Henry Singers. I still remember the recording day in New York. They sang so beautifully! Hope you enjoy the song.

Touch Your Nose (Uncle Henry’s CD #1)

Words & Music by Henry V. Drennan (Uncle Henry/ヘンリーおじさん)
c JASRAC Featuring: The Uncle Henry Singers

1. Stand up, sit down
Stand up, sit down
Touch your head, touch your head
Touch your face, touch your face
Touch your nose, touch your nose
Touch your ear, touch your ear
And now, oh, oh, stop!

2. Stand up, sit down
Stand up, sit down
Touch your forehead, touch your forehead
Touch your eye brow, touch your eye brow
Touch your eye, touch your eye
Touch your eye lash, touch your eye lash
And now, oh, oh, stop!

3. Stand up, sit down
Stand up, sit down
Touch your cheek, touch your cheek
Touch your jaw, touch your jaw
Touch your chin, touch your chin
Touch your throat, touch your throat
And now, oh, oh, stop!

Big and Small (Uncle Henry’s CD#1)

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I am bilingual, English and Japanese. Because I speak the two languages fluently, I often come upon some interesting questions. For example, why is it alright to say, “a red big apple” in Japanese, but in the English language it is grammatically correct to say “a big red apple”.
Likewise, we don’t say “a green fast sports car”. It’s always a “fast green sports car”.
This prompted me to write a song about this confusion. I also did some research and found out that there are about 18 rules covering the subject, e.g. size always precedes color. That’s why we always say a big red apple!
This song will teach the kids the proper way to describe many things in the correct order.
For your information, Japanese grammar does not specify which should come first. Which means, we can say “a red big apple” and “a big red apple” without any restrictions.

Big and Small (Uncle Henry’s CD#1)

Words & Music by Henry V. Drennan (Uncle Henry/ヘンリーおじさん)
© JASRAC Featuring: The Uncle Henry Singers

1 Big, big apple
Red, red apple
Big red, big red
Big red apple

2. Small, small toy train
Blue, blue toy train
Small blue, small blue
Small blue toy train

3. Fast, fast sports car
Green, green sports car
Fast green, fast green
Fast green sports car

4. Strong, strong elephant
Heavy, heavy elephant
Strong heavy, strong heavy
Strong heavy elephant

5. Nice, nice candy
Sweet, sweet candy
Nice sweet, nice sweet
Nice sweet candy

6. Short, short PJ (pyjamas)
Clean, clean PJ
Short clean, short clean
Short clean PJ

7. Bright, bright sunshine
Hot, hot sunshine
Bright hot, bright hot
Bright hot sunshine

Dentist I Don’t Like (Unlce Henry’s CD #1)

Dentist I don't like.jpg

This song was created by a little accident.
I was trying to come up with the English version of the traditional Japanese song titled “Tsuki”, or the “moon”. The song in Japanese starts off with “Detah, detah, tsuki ga” (translates to Came out, came out, the moon)
Being a singer as well as a song-writer, I started out singing “Deh-…”
and the most obvious choice in my mind (at least one of them) was “dentist”. I continued singing “Dentist, dentist I don’t like”.
Then, the rest was quite easy. “Don’t like, don’t like, I don’t like. That is why I brush my teeth each day”. The lesson is if you don’t want to make any visits to the dental clinic, better brush your teeth and take good care of your teeth.
But I must admit that some people oppose to this song, saying the song can create a bad image of the dentist. I asked that to my son, Anthony.
He said he is not worried. That was assuring especially because he is a full-fledged dentist working for a clinic in Tokyo. I’m not surprised if he sings this song to his patients!

Dentist I Don’t Like (Unlce Henry’s CD #1)

Words & Music by Henry V. Drennan (Uncle Henry/ヘンリーおじさん)
© JASRAC Featuring: The Uncle Henry Singers

1. Dentist, dentist, I don’t like
Don’t like, don’t like
I don’t like
That is why I brush
My teeth each day

2. Doctor, doctor
I don’t like
Don’t like, don’t like
I don’t like
That is why I eat
My salad, too

Do You Have a Pet? (Uncle Henry’s CD #1)

Do you have a pet.jpg

Suppose you don’t own a cat. And somebody asks you “Do you have a cat?”
You would answer, “No, I don’t.” Then, suppose you are asked again “You don’t have a cat?” You would answer “No, I don’t have a cat.”
That is all quite normal speaking English.
But Japanese speakers respond differently.
Q: Do you have a cat?
A: No, I don’t.
Q: You don’t have a cat?
A: Yes, I don’t have a cat.
Now you know why this song was created. Hopefully, the Japanese speakers would learn that whatever the form of the question, you always say no if you don’t have a cat!

Do You Have a Pet? (Uncle Henry’s CD #1)

Words & Music by Henry V. Drennan (Uncle Henry/ヘンリーおじさん)
© JASRAC Featuring: The Uncle Henry Singers

1. Do you have a pet? No, no, no
You don’t have a pet? No, no, no
Don’t you have a pet? No, no, no
But I have a brother

2. Do you have a dog? No, no, no
You don’t have a dog? No, no, no
Don’t you have a dog? No, no, no
But I have a monkey

3. Do you have a cat? No, no, no
You don’t have a cat? No, no, no
Don’t you have a cat? No, no, no
But I have a tiger

4. Do you have a bike? No, no, no
You don’t have a bike? No, no, no
Don’t you have a bike? No, no, no
But I have a car

I Love You, Mommy (Uncle Henry’s CD #1)

I love you Mommy.jpg

I knew from experience that many Japanese mothers have a common dream. Their dream is to have their child tell her “I love you, Mommy”. I told them I couldn’t teach nor train their children to say such a nice thing.
But as a songwriter, I certainly can write a song.
Strange but I recall I wrote this song (both words and music) in just a few hours. The words came out quite naturally. No hesitation whatsoever!
Hope you like the song and perhaps sing it to your mother..?

I Love You, Mommy (Uncle Henry’s CD #1)

Words & Music by Henry V. Drennan (Uncle Henry/ヘンリーおじさん)
© JASRAC Featuring: Jason Goldberg, The Uncle Henry Singers member

I love you, Mommy
Mommy, I love you
I love you so much
I don’t know what to do
When you hold me in your arms
Rocking me gently to sleep
Then I know that I will see you again
When I wake from my dreams
Oh, oh, oh
I love you, Mommy
Mommy, I love you
I love you so much
I don’t know what to do
